#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Equinox::Migration::MapDrivenMARCXMLProc; use Equinox::Migration::MARCXMLSampler; my $c = initialize(); # run samples if we've been asked for them run_samples($c) if ($c->{sample} or $c->{samplemap} or $c->{samplestr}); sub run_samples { my ($c) = @_; my $s; if ($c->{samplemap}) { $s = Equinox::Migration::MARCXMLSampler->new( marcfile => $c->{marcfile}, mapfile => $c->{samplemap}); } elsif ($c->{samplestr}) { $s = Equinox::Migration::MARCXMLSampler->new( marcfile => $c->{marcfile}, mapstring => $c->{samplestr}); } else { $s = Equinox::Migration::MARCXMLSampler->new( marcfile => $c->{marcfile} ); } $s->parse_records; dump_sample_overview($c, $s) if $c->{sample}; dump_sample_detail($c, $s) if ($c->{samplemap} or $c->{samplestr}); } sub dump_sample_detail { my ($c, $s) = @_; my $tags = $s->{data}{samp}; my $count = $s->{data}{rcnt}; open DETAIL, '>', ($c->{prefix} . "-HOLDINGS-DETAIL.txt"); select DETAIL; for my $tag (sort keys %{$tags}) { print ">>>>> TAG $tag\n"; for my $subkey (sort keys %{$tags->{$tag}}) { my $sub = $tags->{$tag}{$subkey}; print " Subfield: $subkey\n"; print " Sample: '", $sub->{value}, "'\n"; print " Count: ", $sub->{count}, " in ", $sub->{tcnt}, " tags\n\n"; #print "(", int($sub->{count} / $sub->{rcnt}), "%)\n"; } } select STDOUT; close DETAIL; } sub dump_sample_overview { my ($c, $s) = @_; my $tags = $s->{data}{tags}; my $count = $s->{data}{rcnt}; my @tagsbyname = sort keys %{$tags}; my @tagsbycount = reverse sort { $tags->{$a} <=> $tags->{$b} } keys %{$tags}; open SAMPLE, '>', ($c->{prefix} . "-HOLDINGS-OVERVIEW.txt"); select SAMPLE; print "FOUND TAGS (BY TAG) FOUND TAGS (BY COUNT)\n"; print "------------------- ---------------------\n"; for my $i (0 .. @tagsbyname - 1) { print $tagsbyname[$i], (" " x (14 - length $tags->{ $tagsbyname[$i] })), $tags->{ $tagsbyname[$i] }, " "; print $tagsbycount[$i], (" " x (16 - length $tags->{ $tagsbycount[$i] })), $tags->{ $tagsbycount[$i] }, "\n"; } select STDOUT; close SAMPLE; } #-------------------------- sub initialize { my $c = {}; my @missing = (); # set mode on existing filehandles binmode(STDIN, ':utf8'); my $rc = GetOptions( $c, 'sample|s', 'samplemap|sm=s', 'samplestr|ss=s', 'marcfile|m=s', 'ils|i=s', 'library|l=s', 'prefix|p=s', 'help|h', ); show_help() unless $rc; show_help() if ($c->{help}); my @keys = keys %{$c}; for my $key ('prefix', 'ils') { push @missing, $key unless $c->{$key} } if (@missing) { print "Required option: ", join(', ', @missing), " missing!\n"; show_help(); } return $c; } sub show_help { print < prefix p Prefix string for output filenames map m Subfield map file to use ils i Legacy ILS name (affects SQL generation) sample s Comma-delineated list of datafield tags to be sampled library l Legacy library name (affects SQL generation) HELP exit; }