#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use open ':utf8'; use Getopt::Long; use MARC::Batch; use Unicode::Normalize; use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'utf-8' ); my $conf = {}; # configuration hashref my $count = 0; my $scount = 0; my $start = time; $| = 1; initialize($conf); open OF, '>', $conf->{output}; open XF, '>', $conf->{exception}; for my $file (@ARGV) { print XF "Processing $file\n"; my $batch = undef; my $record = undef; $batch = MARC::Batch->new($conf->{marctype}, $file); $batch->strict_off(); $batch->warnings_off(); while ( $record = $batch->next ) { $count++; progress_ticker(); my $marc = undef; unless ( defined $record ) { dump_exception($marc); next; } my $id = $record->field($conf->{tag}); unless ($id) { print XF "ERROR: Record $count in $file is missing a ", $conf->{tag}, " field.\n", $record->as_formatted(), "\n=====\n"; next; } # populate and normalize marc $marc = populate_marc($record, $id); normalize_marc($marc); unless (marc_isvalid($marc)) { dump_exception($marc); next; } # if everything looks good, score it and dump fingerprints score_marc($marc, $record); dump_fingerprints($marc); $scount++; progress_ticker(); } } print "\nSuccessfully processed:\t$count\n" unless $conf->{quiet}; =head2 populate_marc Constructs a hash containing the relevant MARC data for a record and returns a reference to it. =cut sub populate_marc { my ($record, $id) = @_; my %marc = (); $marc{isbns} = []; # id, stringified $marc{id} = $id->as_string($conf->{subfield}); # record_type, bib_lvl $marc{record_type} = substr($record->leader, 6, 1); $marc{bib_lvl} = substr($record->leader, 7, 1); # date1, date2 my $my_008 = $record->field('008'); $my_008 = $my_008->as_string() if ($my_008); if (defined $my_008) { unless (length $my_008 == 40) { $my_008 = $my_008 . (' ' x (40 - length($my_008))); print XF ">> Short 008 padded to ",length($my_008)," at rec $count\n"; } $marc{date1} = substr($my_008,7,4) if ($my_008); $marc{date2} = substr($my_008,11,4) if ($my_008); # UNUSED } unless ($marc{date1} and $marc{date1} =~ /\d{4}/) { my $my_260 = $record->field('260'); my $date1 = $my_260->subfield('c') if $my_260; if (defined $date1 and $date1 =~ /\d{4}/) { $marc{date1} = $date1; print XF ">> using 260c as date1 at rec $count\n"; } } # item_form if ( $marc{record_type} =~ /[gkroef]/ ) { # MAP, VIS $marc{item_form} = substr($my_008,29,1) if ($my_008); } else { $marc{item_form} = substr($my_008,23,1) if ($my_008); } # isbns my @isbns = $record->field('020') if $record->field('020'); push @isbns, $record->field('024') if $record->field('024'); for my $f ( @isbns ) { push @{ $marc{isbns} }, $1 if ( defined $f->subfield('a') and $f->subfield('a')=~/(\S+)/ ); } # author for my $rec_field (100, 110, 111) { if ($record->field($rec_field)) { $marc{author} = $record->field($rec_field)->subfield('a'); last; } } # oclc $marc{oclc} = []; push @{ $marc{oclc} }, $record->field('001')->as_string() if ($record->field('001') and $record->field('003') and $record->field('003')->as_string() =~ /OCo{0,1}LC/); for ($record->field('035')) { my $oclc = $_->subfield('a'); push @{ $marc{oclc} }, $oclc if (defined $oclc and $oclc =~ /\(OCoLC\)/ and $oclc =~/([0-9]+)/); } # "Accompanying material" (300e) $marc{accomp} = $record->field('300')->subfield('e') if $record->field('300'); # issn, lccn, title, desc, pages, pub, pubyear, edition $marc{lccn} = $record->field('010')->subfield('a') if $record->field('010'); $marc{issn} = $record->field('022')->subfield('a') if $record->field('022'); $marc{desc} = $record->field('300')->subfield('a') if $record->field('300'); $marc{pages} = $1 if (defined $marc{desc} and $marc{desc} =~ /(\d+)/); $marc{title} = $record->field('245')->subfield('a') if $record->field('245'); $marc{edition} = $record->field('250')->subfield('a') if $record->field('250'); if ($record->field('260')) { $marc{publisher} = $record->field('260')->subfield('b'); $marc{pubyear} = $record->field('260')->subfield('c'); $marc{pubyear} = (defined $marc{pubyear} and $marc{pubyear} =~ /(\d{4})/) ? $1 : ''; } return \%marc; } =head2 normalize_marc Gently massages your data. =cut sub normalize_marc { my ($marc) = @_; $marc->{record_type }= 'a' if ($marc->{record_type} eq ' '); if ($marc->{title}) { $marc->{title} = NFD($marc->{title}); $marc->{title} =~ s/[\x{80}-\x{ffff}]//go; $marc->{title} = lc($marc->{title}); $marc->{title} =~ s/\W+$//go; } if ($marc->{author}) { $marc->{author} = NFD($marc->{author}); $marc->{author} =~ s/[\x{80}-\x{ffff}]//go; $marc->{author} = lc($marc->{author}); $marc->{author} =~ s/\W+$//go; if ($marc->{author} =~ /^(\w+)/) { $marc->{author} = $1; } } if ($marc->{publisher}) { $marc->{publisher} = NFD($marc->{publisher}); $marc->{publisher} =~ s/[\x{80}-\x{ffff}]//go; $marc->{publisher} = lc($marc->{publisher}); $marc->{publisher} =~ s/\W+$//go; if ($marc->{publisher} =~ /^(\w+)/) { $marc->{publisher} = $1; } } return $marc; } =head2 marc_isvalid Checks MARC record to see if neccessary fingerprinting data is available =cut sub marc_isvalid { my ($marc) = @_; return 1 if ($marc->{item_form} and ($marc->{date1} =~ /\d{4}/) and $marc->{record_type} and $marc->{bib_lvl} and $marc->{title}); return 0; } =head2 score_marc Assign a score to the record based on various criteria. Score is constructed by pushing elements onto a list. At the end of the routine, the list is flattened into a string via join(); =cut sub score_marc { my ($marc, $record) = @_; my @score = (); my $chunk; # Is this an OCLC record? if ($conf->{scores}{oclc}) { push @score, ( defined $marc->{oclc}[0] ? 1 : 0 ) } # does 040a contain "dlc"? if ($conf->{scores}{dlc}) { if ($record->field('040') and $record->field('040')->subfield('a')) { $chunk = $record->field('040')->subfield('a'); push @score, ( $chunk =~ /dlc/i ? 1 : 0 ); } else { push @score, 0; } } # number of 650 datafields # zero-padded to 4 digits with printf if ($conf->{scores}{num_650}) { if ($record->field('650')) { my @tags = $record->field('650'); push @score, ( sprintf("%04d", scalar @tags) ); } else { push @score, '0000'; } } # number of tags in total # zero-padded to 4 digits with printf if ($conf->{scores}{num_tags}) { my @tags = $record->fields; push @score, ( sprintf("%04d", scalar @tags) ); } # encoding level if ($conf->{scores}{enc_lvl}) { my $enc = substr($record->leader, 17, 1); my %levels = ( ' ' => 9, 1 => 8, 2 => 7, 3 => 6, 4 => 5, 5 => 4, 6 => 3, 7 => 2, 8 => 1, 'u' => 0, 'z' => 0 ); if (defined $enc and $levels{$enc}) { push @score, $levels{$enc} } else { push @score, 0 } } # put score in marc hash $marc->{score} = join('', '{oclc:', $score[0], ',dlc:', $score[1], ',num_650:', $score[2], ',num_tags:', $score[3], ',enc_lvl:', $score[4], '}'); } =head2 dump_fingerprints =cut sub dump_fingerprints { my ($marc) = @_; if ($conf->{fingerprints}{baseline}) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, 'baseline', $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}), "\n"; } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{oclc} and scalar @{$marc->{oclc} }) { for (@{$marc->{oclc} }) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "oclc", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $_, "\n"); } } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{isbn}) { if ((scalar @{ $marc->{isbns} } > 0) and $marc->{pages}) { foreach my $isbn ( @{ $marc->{isbns}} ) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "isbn", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $isbn, $marc->{pages}), "\n"; } } } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{edition} and $marc->{edition}) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "edition", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $marc->{edition}), "\n"; } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{issn} and $marc->{issn}) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "issn", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $marc->{issn}), "\n"; } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{lccn} and $marc->{lccn}) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "lccn", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $marc->{lccn}) ,"\n"; } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{accomp} and $marc->{accomp}) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "accomp", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $marc->{accomp}) ,"\n"; } if ($conf->{fingerprints}{authpub} and $marc->{author} and $marc->{publisher} and $marc->{pubyear} and $marc->{pages}) { print OF join("\t", $marc->{score}, $marc->{id}, "authpub", $marc->{item_form}, $marc->{date1}, $marc->{record_type}, $marc->{bib_lvl}, $marc->{title}, $marc->{author}, $marc->{publisher}, $marc->{pubyear}, $marc->{pages}), "\n"; } } =head2 dump_exception Write line of exception report =cut sub dump_exception { my ($marc) = @_; unless (defined $marc) { print XF "Undefined record at line $count; likely bad XML\n"; return; } print XF "Record ", $marc->{id}, " did not make the cut: "; print XF "Missing item_form. " unless ($marc->{item_form}); unless (defined $marc->{date1}) { print XF "Missing date1. " } else { print XF "Invalid date1: ", $marc->{date1}, " " unless ($marc->{date1} =~ /\d{4}/); } print XF "Missing record_type. " unless ($marc->{record_type}); print XF "Missing bib_lvl. " unless ($marc->{bib_lvl}); print XF "Missing title. " unless ($marc->{title}); print XF "\n"; } =head2 initialize Performs boring script initialization. Handles argument parsing, mostly. =cut sub initialize { my ($c) = @_; my @missing = (); # set mode on existing filehandles binmode(STDIN, ':utf8'); my $rc = GetOptions( $c, 'incoming', 'incumbent', 'exception|x=s', 'marctype|m=s', 'output|o=s', 'runtype|r=s', 'subfield|s=s', 'tag|t=s', 'fingerprints=s', 'scores=s', 'quiet|q', 'help|h', ); show_help() unless $rc; show_help() if ($c->{help}); # check fingerprints list for validity if ($c->{fingerprints}) { my %fps = (); my %valid_fps = ( oclc => 1, isbn => 1, issn => 1, lccn => 1, edition => 1, accomp => 1, authpub => 1, baseline => 1, crap => 1, ); for (split /,/, $c->{fingerprints}) { die "Invalid fingerprint '$_'\n" unless $valid_fps{$_}; $fps{$_} = 1; } $c->{fingerprints} = \%fps } else { $c->{fingerprints} = {oclc => 1, isbn => 1, edition => 1, issn => 1, lccn => 1, accomp => 1, authpub => 1}; } # check scores list for validity if ($c->{scores}) { my %scores = (); my %valid_scores = ( oclc => 1, dlc => 1, num_650 => 1, num_tags => 1, enc_lvl => 1, ); for (split /,/, $c->{scores}) { die "Invalid score mode '$_'\n" unless $valid_scores{$_}; $scores{$_} = 1; } $c->{scores} = \%scores; } else { $c->{scores} = {oclc => 1, dlc => 1, num_650 => 1, num_tags => 1, enc_lvl => 1}; } # set defaults if told to do so if ($c->{incoming}) { $c->{tag} = 903 unless defined $c->{tag}; $c->{subfield} = 'a' unless defined $c->{subfield}; $c->{marctype} = 'XML' unless defined $c->{marctype}; $c->{output} = 'incoming.fp' unless defined $c->{output}; $c->{exception} = 'incoming.ex' unless defined $c->{exception}; } elsif ($c->{incumbent}) { $c->{tag} = 901 unless defined $c->{tag}; $c->{subfield} = 'c' unless defined $c->{subfield}; $c->{marctype} = 'XML' unless defined $c->{marctype}; $c->{output} = 'incumbent.fp' unless defined $c->{output}; $c->{exception} = 'incumbent.ex' unless defined $c->{exception}; } my @keys = keys %{$c}; show_help() unless (@ARGV and @keys); for my $key ('tag', 'subfield', 'output', 'exception') { push @missing, $key unless $c->{$key} } if (@missing) { print "Required option: ", join(', ', @missing), " missing!\n"; show_help(); } } =head2 progress_ticker =cut sub progress_ticker { return if $conf->{quiet}; printf("\r> %d recs seen; %d processed", $count, $scount); printf(" (%d/s)", ($count / (time - $start + 1))) if ($count % 500 == 0); } =head2 show_help Display usage message when things go wrong =cut sub show_help { print < Req'd Arguments --tag=N -t Which tag to use --subfield=X -s Which subfield to use --output= -o Output filename --exceptions= -x Exception report filename Options --incoming '-t 903 -s a -o incoming.fp -x incoming.ex' --incumbent '-t 901 -s c -o incumbent.fp -x incumbent.ex' --fingerprints=LIST Fingerprints to generate, comma separated Default: oclc,isbn,edition,issn,lccn,accomp,authpub Others: baseline --scores=LIST Scores to calculate, comma separated Default: oclc,dlc,num_650,num_tags,enc_level --quiet -q Don't write status messages to STDOUT HELP exit 1; }