#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################################### =pod =head1 NAME kmig-add - This will add the specified files to the mig tracking table --headers (the default) and --no-headers are repeatable, and indicate whether subsequent files have headers or not --headers-file specifies a text file defining the column headers for the next added , which should contain one line per header --headers-file will automatically invoke --no-headers You'll need to invoke B prior to using commands like B =head1 SYNOPSIS B [--no-headers|--headers|--headers-file ] [file|--no-headers|--headers|--headers-file ] [...] =cut ############################################################################### use strict; use Switch; use Env qw( HOME MYSQL_HOST MYSQL_TCP_PORT MYSQL_USER MYSQL_DATABASE MYSQL_PW MIGSCHEMA MIGBASEWORKDIR MIGBASEGITDIR MIGGITDIR MIGWORKDIR ); use Pod::Usage; use DBI; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use FindBin; my $mig_bin = "$FindBin::Bin/"; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/"; use KMig; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ! $ARGV[0] || $ARGV[0] eq '--help'; KMig::die_if_no_env_migschema(); KMig::die_if_mig_tracking_table_does_not_exist(); my $has_headers = 1; my $headers_file; my $next_arg_is_headers_file = 0; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($next_arg_is_headers_file) { $next_arg_is_headers_file = 0; $headers_file = abs_path($arg); next; } if ($arg eq '--headers') { $has_headers = 1; next; } if ($arg eq '--no-headers') { $has_headers = 0; next; } if ($arg eq '--headers-file') { $next_arg_is_headers_file = 1; $has_headers = 0; next; } my $file = abs_path($arg); if ($file =~ /^$MIGBASEWORKDIR/) { if (-e $file) { if (-f $file) { add_this_file($file,$has_headers,$headers_file); $headers_file = ''; # clear after applying to just one file } else { print "Not a real file: $file\n"; } } else { print "Could not find file: $file\n"; } } else { print "File falls outside of MIGWORKDIR ($MIGWORKDIR): $file\n"; } } exit 0; ############################################################################### sub add_this_file { my $file = shift; my $headers = shift; my $headers_file = shift; if ($headers_file) { if (! (-e $headers_file && -f $headers_file)) { print "Could not find headers file $headers_file, skipping $file\n"; return; } } if (KMig::check_for_tracked_file($file)) { print "File already tracked: $file\n"; } else { print 'Adding ('; if ($headers_file) { print "with headers file = $headers_file"; } else { print ($headers ? ' with headers' : 'without headers'); } print '): ' . "$file\n"; my $dbh = KMig::db_connect(); my $rv = $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO m_tracked_file ( base_filename ,has_headers ,headers_file ) VALUES ( " . $dbh->quote($file) . " ," . $dbh->quote($headers) . " ," . $dbh->quote($headers_file) . " ); ") || die "Error inserting into table m_tracked_file: $!\n"; KMig::db_disconnect($dbh); } }