#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Long; use Text::CSV::Auto; use Data::Dumper; use DBI; use File::Basename; use Env qw( HOME PGHOST PGPORT PGUSER PGDATABASE MIGSCHEMA MIGBASEWORKDIR MIGBASEGITDIR MIGGITDIR MIGWORKDIR ); my $dbh; my $cfg; my $csv_config; sub init { our %config; if ($PGHOST and $PGPORT and $PGUSER and $PGDATABASE) { $dbh = connect_db($PGDATABASE,$PGUSER,undef,$PGHOST) or die $DBI::errstr; } else { do '/openils/conf/offline-config.pl'; $dbh = DBI->connect( $config{dsn}, $config{usr}, $config{pw} ) or die $DBI::errstr; } $cfg = { schema => 'm_foo', auto_options => { } }; our %CSV_options = ( binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, diag_verbose => 1, ); $cfg->{auto_options}->{csv_options} = \%CSV_options; GetOptions( 'config=s' => \$csv_config, 'no-legacy-prefix' => \($cfg->{no_legacy_prefix}), 'use-no-headers-file' => \($cfg->{use_no_headers_file}), 'add-x-migrate' => \($cfg->{add_x_migrate}), 'outfile=s' => \($cfg->{outfile}), 'schema=s' => \($cfg->{schema}), 'parent=s' => \($cfg->{parent}), 'help|?' => \$help ); if ($help || ((@ARGV == 0) && (-t STDIN))) { die qq^\n\t$0 [--config ] [--add-x-migrate] [--no-legacy-prefix] [--schema ] [--parent ] [--outfile ] <"clean" file from clean_csv script>\n\n^; } if ($csv_config && ! -e $csv_config) { die "$csv_config does not exist\n"; } if ($csv_config && -e $csv_config) { do $csv_config; } if (! -e $ARGV[0]) { die "$ARGV[0] does not exist\n"; } } sub connect_db { my ($db, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbhost) = @_; my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:host=$dbhost;dbname=$db;port=5432"; my $attrs = { ShowErrorStatement => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, pg_enable_utf8 => 1, }; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpw, $attrs); return $dbh; } sub write_sql_sample { my $cfg = shift; my $info = shift; my $fn = $cfg->{outfile} || $cfg->{auto_options}->{file} . '.sql'; print "\twriting $fn\n"; local *SQL; open SQL, ">$fn"; print SQL "-- $cfg->{auto_options}->{file}\n/*\n"; open IN, $cfg->{auto_options}->{file}; foreach (1..5) { my $line = ; print SQL $line; } close IN; print SQL "*/\n"; return *SQL; } sub write_sql_table { my $sql = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $info = shift; my $fn = $cfg->{auto_options}->{file}; my @indices = (); print "\twriting table definition\n"; if ($cfg->{parent}) { $cfg->{table_name} = $cfg->{parent} . '_legacy'; } else { $cfg->{table_name} = lc(basename($fn)); $cfg->{table_name} =~ s/[\-\. ]/_/g; } print $sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $cfg->{schema}.$cfg->{table_name};\n"; print $sql "CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE $cfg->{schema}.$cfg->{table_name} (\n"; my $idx = 0; if ($cfg->{add_x_migrate}) { print $sql " x_migrate BOOLEAN\n"; $idx++; push @indices, 'x_migrate'; } foreach my $column (@{ $info }) { my $cn = $column->{'header'}; if ($cn =~ /^x_/) { push @indices, $cn; } my $col_info = Dumper($column); $col_info =~ s/^\$VAR1 = //; print $sql " " . ($idx++ ? ',' : ' '); print $sql "l_" unless $cfg->{no_legacy_prefix} or $column->{'header'} =~ /^x_/ or $column->{'header'} =~ /^l_/; print $sql "$cn " . ($cn eq 'x_eg_bib_id' ? 'BIGINT' : 'TEXT'); print $sql " /*\n $col_info */\n"; } if ($cfg->{parent}) { print $sql ') INHERITS (' . $cfg->{schema} . '.' . $cfg->{parent} . ");\n"; } else { print $sql ");\n"; } foreach my $cn (@indices) { print $sql "CREATE INDEX ON $cfg->{schema}.$cfg->{table_name} ($cn);\n"; } } sub write_sql_loader { my $sql = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $auto = shift; my $info = shift; my $fn = $cfg->{auto_options}->{file} . ($cfg->{use_no_headers_file} ? '.no_headers' : ''); print "\twriting copy statement\n"; print $sql "\n\\COPY $cfg->{schema}.$cfg->{table_name} ("; my $idx = 0; foreach my $column (@{ $info }) { print $sql ($idx++ ? ',' : ''); print $sql "l_" unless $cfg->{no_legacy_prefix} or $column->{'header'} =~ /^x_/ or $column->{'header'} =~ /^l_/; print $sql $column->{'header'}; } print $sql ") FROM '$fn'"; if ($auto->csv->sep_char eq chr(9) && ! defined $auto->csv->quote_char && ! defined $auto->csv->escape_char) { # true .tsv, don't treat as csv } elsif ($auto->csv->sep_char eq chr(9)) { # probably good enough .tsv, don't treat as csv } else { print $sql " WITH csv " . ($cfg->{use_no_headers_file} ? "" : "header"); print $sql " delimiter " . $dbh->quote( $auto->csv->sep_char ) unless $dbh->quote( $auto->csv->sep_char ) eq 'NULL'; print $sql " quote " . $dbh->quote( $auto->csv->quote_char ) unless $dbh->quote( $auto->csv->quote_char ) eq 'NULL'; print $sql " escape " . $dbh->quote( $auto->csv->escape_char ) unless $dbh->quote( $auto->csv->escape_char ) eq 'NULL'; } print $sql "\n"; } sub main { init(); foreach my $fn (@ARGV) { print "processing $fn\n"; $cfg->{auto_options}->{file} = $fn; my $auto = Text::CSV::Auto->new($cfg->{auto_options}); my $info = $auto->analyze(); my $sql = write_sql_sample($cfg,$info); write_sql_table($sql,$cfg,$info); write_sql_loader($sql,$cfg,$auto,$info); close $sql; print "\tdone.\n"; } } main();